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Tuesday 9 April 2013

Flash Mob - Mama Do The Hump

Boston police community support officer, PCSO Jaki Smith, has been engaged in a youth project with young boys and girls from Boston Grammar School, Boston Police Cadets, Boston Army Cadets, Boston Air Training Corps, Boston Sea Cadets and Boston Fire Cadets, which culminated in a ‘flash mob’ event in Pescod Square on Saturday 23 March.

PCSO Smith said, “This has been a really effective way of engaging young people in the town and I have been so impressed with their hard work, team effort and the pride they are taking in the event.  Despite the terrible weather, I’m hoping the flash mob entertained the people of Boston and let them see our teenagers at their best”.

The Boston Police Cadets held a collection on behalf of the John Fielding Special School and Boston’s mayor, Cllr Colin Brotherton, was invited along on the pretext that it was a fundraising event, meaning he was as surprised as everyone else when the dancing began.

Grammar School media student, Zak Woodcock, filmed and edited the event.

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